Sample Code

Calculate condition

In the method loadData of SheetAPI, it allows user add caluclate condition to the sheet. .

Here comes the code example

    fileName: 'Condition Json File',
    sheets: [{
        name: 'First tab',
        color: 'orange',
        id: 1
        name: 'Second tab',
        id: 2
    floatings: [{
        json: "{"name":"boolstyle","rng":[{"span":[1,2,2,4,4],"type":1}],"opt":{"type":"top","base":20,"style":{"cbgc":"rgb(248,105,107)","ccolor":"rgb(150,0,0)"}},"id":"condition-4"}"
    cells: [
         {sheet: 1, row: 2, col: 2, json: {data:100}},
         {sheet: 1, row: 2, col: 3, json: {data:120}},
         {sheet: 1, row: 2, col: 4, json: {data:220}},
         {sheet: 1, row: 3, col: 2, json: {data:210}},
         {sheet: 1, row: 3, col: 3, json: {data:350}},
         {sheet: 1, row: 3, col: 4, json: {data:200}},
         {sheet: 1, row: 4, col: 2, json: {data:150}},
         {sheet: 1, row: 4, col: 3, json: {data:90}},
         {sheet: 1, row: 4, col: 4, json: {data:350}}

The above code will insert a range of cells from B2:D4 by adding calculate condition with top 20%.

For condition, loadData json object includes at least 4 names: fileName, sheets, floatings and cells.

NameProperty ExampleDescription
File namefileName fileName: 'Example Sheet' Define the file name for this sheet file.
Sheet objectsheets sheets: [{},{}] Set defined sheet tabs information for this file.
Floating objectfloatings floatings: [{},{}] Set defined floatings information for this file.
Cell objectcells cells: [{},{}] Set defined cell information for each tab.

You can also call setCondition API and use the following code to update the condition in the existing sheet.

 SHEET_API.setCondition(SHEET_API_HD, [[1, 25, 3, 27, 5]], 'boolstyle', {
     base: 10,

top10% condition

To list top 10% value, the following json object need to be added into floatings. You can change base value to get different top percentage number.

     sheet:1,             // the sheet id of added condition
     name:"condition1",   // name should be unique
     ftype:"cdt",         // define condition type
     json: "{\"name\":\"boolstyle\",\"rng\":[{\"span\":[1,2,2,4,4],\"type\":1}],\"opt\":{\"type\":\"top\",\"base\":10,\"style\":{\"cbgc\":\"rgb(248,105,107)\",\"ccolor\":\"rgb(150,0,0)\"}},\"id\":\"12345670\"}"

For each json object inside condition floating, it is a string with the following format.

  name       // boolstyle
      span      // [sheetId, x1, y1, x2, y2] which define sheetId and a range of cells need to be added condition
      type      // 1
      type      // top 
      base      // percentage number
      style     // referred to the decorated color.
            cbgc     // cell background color if condition meet
            ccolor   // cell font color if condition meet   
  id         // unique in this sheet file  

top10 condition

To list top 10 value, the following json object need to be added into floatings. You can change base to get different top number.

     sheet:1,             // the sheet id of added condition
     name:"condition1",   // name should be unique
     ftype:"cdt",         // define condition type
     json: "{\"name\":\"boolstyle\",\"rng\":[{\"span\":[1,2,2,4,4],\"type\":1}],\"opt\":{\"type\":\"max\",\"base\":10,\"style\":{\"cbgc\":\"rgb(248,105,107)\",\"ccolor\":\"rgb(150,0,0)\"}},\"id\":\"12345670\"}"

For each json object inside condition floating, it is a string with the following format.

  name       // boolstyle
      span      // [sheetId, x1, y1, x2, y2] which define sheetId and a range of cells need to be added condition
      type      // 1
      type      // max 
      base      // number - for example: 5 - this means top 5 items.
      style     // referred to the decorated color.
            cbgc     // cell background color if condition meet
            ccolor   // cell font color if condition meet   
  id         // unique in this sheet file  

bottom10 condition

To list bottom 10 value, the following json object need to be added into floatings. You can change base to get different top number.

     sheet:1,             // the sheet id of added condition
     name:"condition1",   // name should be unique
     ftype:"cdt",         // define condition type
     json: "{\"name\":\"boolstyle\",\"rng\":[{\"span\":[1,2,2,4,4],\"type\":1}],\"opt\":{\"type\":\"min\",\"base\":10,\"style\":{\"cbgc\":\"rgb(248,105,107)\",\"ccolor\":\"rgb(150,0,0)\"}},\"id\":\"12345670\"}"

For each json object inside condition floating, it is a string with the following format.

  name       // boolstyle
      span      // [sheetId, x1, y1, x2, y2] which define sheetId and a range of cells need to be added condition
      type      // 1
      type      // min 
      base      // number - for example: 5 - this means bottom 5 items.
      style     // referred to the decorated color.
            cbgc     // cell background color if condition meet
            ccolor   // cell font color if condition meet   
  id         // unique in this sheet file  

bottom10% condition

To list bottom 10% value, the following json object need to be added into floatings. You can change base to get different top number.

     sheet:1,             // the sheet id of added condition
     name:"condition1",   // name should be unique
     ftype:"cdt",         // define condition type
     json: "{\"name\":\"boolstyle\",\"rng\":[{\"span\":[1,2,2,4,4],\"type\":1}],\"opt\":{\"type\":\"bottom\",\"base\":10,\"style\":{\"cbgc\":\"rgb(248,105,107)\",\"ccolor\":\"rgb(150,0,0)\"}},\"id\":\"12345670\"}"

For each json object inside condition floating, it is a string with the following format.

  name       // boolstyle
      span      // [sheetId, x1, y1, x2, y2] which define sheetId and a range of cells need to be added condition
      type      // 1
      type      // bottom 
      base      // percentage number - for example: 5 - this means bottom 5% items.
      style     // referred to the decorated color.
            cbgc     // cell background color if condition meet
            ccolor   // cell font color if condition meet   
  id         // unique in this sheet file  

above average condition

To list above average value, the following json object need to be added into floatings.

     sheet:1,             // the sheet id of added condition
     name:"condition1",   // name should be unique
     ftype:"cdt",         // define condition type
     json: "{\"name\":\"boolstyle\",\"rng\":[{\"span\":[1,2,2,4,4],\"type\":1}],\"opt\":{\"type\":\"average\",\"base\":0,\"style\":{\"cbgc\":\"rgb(248,105,107)\",\"ccolor\":\"rgb(150,0,0)\"}},\"id\":\"12345670\"}"

For each json object inside condition floating, it is a string with the following format.

  name       // boolstyle
      span      // [sheetId, x1, y1, x2, y2] which define sheetId and a range of cells need to be added condition
      type      // 1
      type      // average 
      base      // 0 - this means above
      style     // referred to the decorated color.
            cbgc     // cell background color if condition meet
            ccolor   // cell font color if condition meet   
  id         // unique in this sheet file   

below average condition

To list below average value, the following json object need to be added into floatings.

     sheet:1,             // the sheet id of added condition
     name:"condition1",   // name should be unique
     ftype:"cdt",         // define condition type
     json: "{\"name\":\"boolstyle\",\"rng\":[{\"span\":[1,2,2,4,4],\"type\":1}],\"opt\":{\"type\":\"average\",\"base\":1,\"style\":{\"cbgc\":\"rgb(248,105,107)\",\"ccolor\":\"rgb(150,0,0)\"}},\"id\":\"12345670\"}"

For each json object inside condition floating, it is a string with the following format.

  name       // boolstyle
      span      // [sheetId, x1, y1, x2, y2] which define sheetId and a range of cells need to be added condition
      type      // 1
      type      // average 
      base      // 1 - this means below
      style     // referred to the decorated color.
            cbgc     // cell background color if condition meet
            ccolor   // cell font color if condition meet   
  id         // unique in this sheet file  



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