Managing Sheet with APIs


SheetAPI.createSheetApp method is used to create sheet application. This is the first API need to be called in your file.

SHEET_API.createSheetApp( config )

Parameters The configuration object defines the parameters to show/hide the different elements of the sheet application. Those elements include TitleBar, SheetBar, ToolBar, ContentBar and SideBar.
       withoutTitlebar: true,
       withoutSheetbar: true,
       withoutToolbar: true,
       withoutContentbar: true,
       withoutSidebar: true,
       disableCalEditorStyle: true

See the following image for the bar definition in the sheet panel.

You can set disableCalEditorStyle: true if you don't want the popup window for formula cell editor.


The handle information of the Sheet application just created

       appCt: the container of the sheet application, which contains the sheet and some toolbar
       sheet: the sheet itself
       store: the store of sheet application 

For detail, please see document Render Sheet UI in HTML DIV.

Example code

	SHEET_API = Ext.create('EnterpriseSheet.api.SheetAPI', {
		openFileByOnlyLoadDataFlag: true
	SHEET_API_HD = SHEET_API.createSheetApp({
		withoutTitlebar: true,
		withoutSheetbar: true,
		withoutToolbar: true,
		withoutContentbar: true,
		withoutSidebar: true,
		renderTo: 'sheet-markup',
		style: 'background:white;border-left:1px solid silver;',
		height: '100%'
		fileName: 'Example Sheet',
		sheets: [{
		    name: 'First tab',
		    id: 1
		cells: [{
		    sheet: 1,
		    row: 1,
		    col: 1,
		    json: {data: 110}
	}); = 'none';
	Ext.getBody().setStyle('background-image', 'none');



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