Managing Sheet with APIs


SheetAPI.createSheetApp method is used to create a window instance contains the sheet application and return the handle information. This is the first API need to be called in your file.

SHEET_API.createSheetWin( sheetConfig, winConfig )

Parameters The configuration object defines the parameters to show/hide the different elements of the sheet application. Those elements include TitleBar, SheetBar, ToolBar, ContentBar and SideBar.
       withoutTitlebar: true,
       withoutSheetbar: true,
       withoutToolbar: true,
       withoutContentbar: true,
       withoutSidebar: true   

See the following image for the bar definition in the sheet panel.


The handle information of the Sheet application just created

       appCt: the container of the sheet application, which contains the sheet and some toolbar
       sheet: the sheet itself
       store: the store of sheet application 

You can also create your own Ext.window.Window without call this method. This will be give more flexible to process your method. For detail, please see document Render Sheet UI in popup window

Example code

    // define Global variable, you can use them in your code.
    SHEET_API = Ext.create('EnterpriseSheet.api.SheetAPI', {
        openFileByOnlyLoadDataFlag: true
    SHEET_API_HD = SHEET_API.createSheetApp({
        withoutTitlebar: true,
        withoutSheetbar: true,
        withoutToolbar: true,
        withoutContentbar: true,
        withoutSidebar: true  
    var win;
    POP_SHEET_WIN = function(){
            win = Ext.create('Ext.window.Window', {
                resizable : true,
                modal: true,
                buttonAlign : "right",
                closable : true,
                closeAction : 'hide',
                width : 1000,
                height: 600,
                layout : 'fit',
                items: [SHEET_API_HD.appCt],
                buttons: [{
                    text: 'Close',
                    handler: function(){
                    text: 'Submit',
                    handler: function(){
                        var json = SHEET_API.getJsonData(SHEET_API_HD);

         * normally we suggest call loadData to initial data after the sheet is rendered.
        var b2CellValue = document.getElementById("cellValue").value;
        var json = {
            fileName:"Basic file",
            cells:[{i:1,x:2,y:2,j:"{data: \"" + b2CellValue + "\"}"}]
        SHEET_API.loadData(SHEET_API_HD, json);



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