Developer's Guide for EnterpriseSheet


The EnterpriseSheet application is built with the following technologies:

And the whole application is running under Tomcat application server.


Because most of the spreadsheet's logic stays in the JavaScript user interface side, this makes the Enterprisesheet application really light and easy to integrate and maintain.

3rd party software

This is the list of all the 3rd-party softwares needed for the standalone system (all of these softwares are FREE and widely used). However, these softwares are not necessarily required during integrate sheet into your system.

Angular EnterpriseSheet is based on Angular platform. Angular is a modern web developer's platform. For more detail, please visit:
MySQL 5.7 EnterpriseSheet has about 10 tables and 1 store procedure. EnterpriseSheet does not have any special requirements for database. It can be easily integrated with your existing database.
Java 1.8 EnterpriseSheet backend is written with Java language. Backend logic are used to process data transfer. 90% EnterpriseSheet complex logic are stayed in the User Interface level. This means you can transfer the backend logic into PHP, .NET easily.
Tomcat 8+ We do not have special requirements for web application server. You can change Tomcat to Jboss, Weblogic etc and keep your current configuration.
Spring framework Spring Framework is a Java platform that provides comprehensive infrastructure support for developing Java applications. However, if you do not use spring, it also does not matter, you can just following our code logic to process integration. Again, backend logic is not complex.
MyBatis An ORM mapping tool. Which can be easily integrated into Hibernate or pure database query.
Apache POI An open source Java library to process MS Excel import and export.



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