======================================================================== Introduction: ======================================================================== This note describes the process and issues specific to the EnterpriseSheet release. For detail demo: http://www.enterpriseSheet.com/sheet http://www.enterprisesheet.com/sheet/templates For API demo: http://www.enterpriseSheet.com/sheet/demo For documents: http://www.enterprisesheet.com/api Any issue, please send us email: info@enterpriseSheet.com OR post to our forum (Recommended): http://www.cubedrive.com/lite/forum ======================================================================== Supported Browsers: ======================================================================== * Google Chrome * FireFox * Safari * IE (recommended Version 11) ======================================================================== Release ======================================================================== UPDATE: * 2501 - Fixed sheet cell data issue which created with formula reference * 2503 - Add function to reset sheet tab width * 2504 - Add a list of functions to update sheet cells as customer required. * 2507 - Fixed formula calculate reference map issue ======================================================================== Release ======================================================================== NEW FEATURES: * Add auto export function UPDATE: * 2479 - Fixed reference name issue * 2485 - Get direct related map for range. Check reference string pass back. * 2488 - Adjust the cell default height and font size. * 2490 - Change sort row preview, add case senstive check for filter. Fix sort issue. * 2502 - Update sheet to support .xlsx in the JAR/Spring environment. ======================================================================== Release ======================================================================== NEW FEATURES: * Add function allows multiple rows resize width multiple columns resize height UPDATE: * 2465 - Fixed name mgr special name issue. * 2461 - 1 Fix condition management issue, after delete, condition does not gone * 2461 - 2 Fix validation clean issue * 2462 - process sheet exception without tab information * 2463 - Fixed issue for insert url with number. ======================================================================== Release ======================================================================== NEW FEATURES: * Add more condition which will support gantt project plan * Add new APIs: brush, createNamedRange, deleteNamedRangeByName * Add / remove dynamic range row/column * Add a list of extra conditions for highlight cells rule include input field accept formula expression. UPDATE: * 2468 Update loadData function with callback to avoid browser frozen during load big json. * 2458 Round formula import issue * 2455 add more paramter to insertdynamicrange event * 2454 Dynamic dropdown list value change event * 2453 Dynamic range delete first row ======================================================================== Release ======================================================================== NEW FEATURES: * Add dynamic range concept which can auto expand rows/columns UPDATE: * 2451 Fixed search big file issue with object ======================================================================== Release ======================================================================== NEW FEATURES: * Add cross file reference * Add locale to handle different country currency, digital format etc UPDATE: * 2441 Recalculate for the formula loop reference call * 2440 Add config to disable/enable formula popup window * 2435 Fixed name mgr import issues ======================================================================== Release ======================================================================== NEW FEATURES: * Re-organize code structure and separate JS-based ES core function. ES core allows customer to get spreadsheet logic without based on any 3rd-party library. ES core can also be run standalone in the Java backend or mobile. * Add more than 100 new APIs to the system (See link: http://enterprisesheet.com/api/docs/manageDataAPIs/sheetAPI.html) * Add font awesome CSS library * Add indent function under format UPDATE: * 2438 Get a list of change list, undo/redo a list of change * 2436 Fixed issue during select name range and update * 2434 Add cursor focus on search * 2432 Update and add more language * 2431 Export issue with formula null - name mgr issue * 2428 Update CSS to purify UI * 2426 Print issue for column repeat to left ======================================================================== Release ======================================================================== NEW FEATURES: * Add parseExcel and parseJson * Add handler for dropdown list with id/value UPDATE: * 2424 Formula PERCENTILE.INC export issue ======================================================================== Release ======================================================================== NEW FEATURES: * 2420 Add new filter API - addFilter2Span, removeFilter UPDATE: * 2423 Date format export issue * 2422 Name management issue * 2421 Hidden first row can not be un-hidden * 2419 Filter search case sensitive * 2418 Percentage number export / import issue * 2415 Percentile formula calculate issue ======================================================================== Release ======================================================================== NEW FEATURES: * 2397 Add print page break UPDATE: * 2399 Add zoom import/export * 2400 icon set condition import and export * 2403 Update print area and print title row/column * 2404 Import page setting footer / header * 2405 Sheet tab width / title resize * 2407 Add filter search with part * 2408 Add custom value to the zoom * 2414 Click F2, the user can move cursor within the cell by navigation buttons ======================================================================== Release ======================================================================== NEW FEATURES: * Hide or unhide sheet * Add Germany formula list to the system * Add toggleTitleBar, toggleToolBar API * Add insert background image * Add 4 orientation for the cell format UPDATE: * 2362 Update print setting import/export function * 2390 Hide row sort ignore * 2389 Add Enter+Shift key, update F2 key * 2384 IE8/11, edit mode cell click down key jump 2 cells * 2381 Hidden rows / column must stay hidden after importing to the ES * 2385 locked cells with find/replace * 2387 Update icon set condition to match Excel icon set condition ======================================================================== Release ======================================================================== NEW FEATURES: * Add fill pattern style * Add new API loadRowsJson * Add formula: datedif * Add zoom function UPDATE: * 2361 - create override folder to add custom language * 2363 - Add focus listener to the Long Text popup window * 2355 - Update sort and improve performance * 2323 - Fixed import issues related to date ======================================================================== Release ======================================================================== NEW FEATURES: * Add new API getDefinedNameContent * Add DISABLE_MOVE_CURRENT_CELLS config method * Add file functions in dropdown list for title bar * Add dynamic CSS color change for the file * Add file tab width dynamic set * Add name manager comments * Add reference dropdown list for column data type * Improve performance for sort asc/desc * Improve performance for 2-dimension array calculate in formula * Update import row/column height, border to match Excel file format * Add 15 templates build with EnterpriseSheet UPDATE: * 2346 - Improve performance for column data sort asc/desc * 2345 - Import phone format change to number * 2339 - Condition check for string with equal * 2338 - Upgrade poi library from 3.0.8 to 3.14 * 2336 - Import file and then export file different format issues * 2335 - Add dotted line for border in import/export * 2333 - Import file with date is error formatted * 2332 - Importing results in loss of formatting options - borders, colors, fonts * 2330 - formula link miss * 2328 - Sheet tab name not display after import ======================================================================== Release ======================================================================== NEW FEATURES: * Purify code to improve the performance to load big data (3 millions cell) * Add print function which will be used during Excel export UPDATE: * 2305 - Add new API to copy range of data to another tab. * 2307 - Fixed es_checked self-formula issue * 2309 - Add copy/paste to the cell contextmenu. * 2315 - Set column/row width and height from tab menu. * 2316 - Fixed formula bugs. * 2301 - Fixed export Excel with border miss issue ======================================================================== Release ======================================================================== NEW FEATURES: * Continue purify code to improve performance * Add EnterpriseSheet self-defined formula: es_checked(cell) * Make scroll bar appear configurable. UPDATE: * 2201 - fix the disabled cell with copy issue * 2202 - Import excel with border miss issue * 2214 - Copy number with percent (80%) to the cell. miss format * 2218 - Update copy/paste and make it paste work to Excel * 2225 - Move column with SHIFT key ======================================================================== Release ======================================================================== NEW FEATURES: * Improve performance to load big data EnterpriseSheet is able to handle more than 1 millions cells in one tab with quick load time. * Add custom drop down list - user can defined their list json data for render. * Add the following column data type to the UI currency * Add select range of cell with SHIFT key UPDATE: * 2101 - fix the import bug related to freeze. * 2115 - Set column height/weight for the sheet tab * 2118 - fix insert SUM/Average/Count/Min/Max formula params error issue ======================================================================== Release ======================================================================== NEW FEATURES: * Add the following column data type to the UI date, dropdown list, number, text, phone, url, email, attachment * Add APIs to define column data type such as: date, dropdown list, number, text, phone, url, email, attachment * Add date picker feature for the cell. * Define title, icon for the column * Add more APIs to the system UPDATE: * 2090 - Fixed name manager bug for un-saved file. ======================================================================== Release ======================================================================== NEW FEATURES: * Add form build demo - EnterpriseSheet Survey * Add new formula: isoweeknum, indirect, couppcd, coupncd, coupnum, coupdays * Add hyperlink for name reference * Add callback fn during switch sheet tab. * Add APIs: mergeCellForSpan, deleteCommentForCoord, getItemValueByName, getCellValue, loadTabData etc. UPDATE: * 2050 - Fixed horizontal scroll with hide columns performance issues. * 2061 - Fixed chinese input issue. * 2068 - Fixed latest cell entered data miss during click SAVE AS button ======================================================================== Release ======================================================================== NEW FEATURES: * Add data binding with variables, cell button, more cell comment type * Add new formula: dollarfr, dollarde, networkdays.intl, workday.intl pearson * Add APIs: setValueToVariable, getCellVariables, clearAllVariables, addFilter2Span, removeFilter, sortCellByAsc, sortCellByDesc * Add Label settings for the chart * Add copy / paste config settings to the system. UPDATE: * 2047 - Fixed the submenu issue in Chrome43 version. * 2049 - Bug related to setCondition * 2048 - disable contextmenu ======================================================================== Release ======================================================================== NEW FEATURES: * Add API: setCondition, updateGroups, showRow, showColumn, hideRow, hideColumn, clearCondition, cleanCellsBorder, clearTableTpl UPDATE: * 2043 - Improve import Excel file performance * 2042 - Error during include date in min/max formula * 2046 - Add group toggle listener * 2045 - Set width and height for the whole sheet * 2044 - name mgr issue ======================================================================== Release ======================================================================== NEW FEATURES: * Add formula: hyperlink, stdev, rank, rank.avg, rank.eq, normsdist, timevalue, stdev.s, stdev.p, var.s, var.p, PERCENTILE.INC, PERCENTILE.EXC, var, varp, subtotal, stdevp, quartile.inc, quartile.exc, MODE.SNGL, EXPON.DIST, gamma, gammaln, binom.dist, binomdist * Re-organize code structure to make sencha cmd work. * Add insertRow, insertColumn new API. * Add cell text rotation 90 and 270 degree UPDATE: * 2038 - import tab with tab color * 2040 - Exception during import the attached financial Excel file * 2031 - Add ignore blank in condition * 2036 - Import lose background color and text style ======================================================================== Release ======================================================================== NEW FEATURES: * Add/update hotkey: home, page down, page up * Add APIs: 2-way data binding, list of events call back * Add countifs formula * Add cell inner image * Add ignore blank for the validation UPDATE: * 2035 - Fixed if formula with condition exception * 2027 - Vlookup issue * 2030 - add callback to the group collapse * 2026 - Add a new API to open chart window ======================================================================== Release ======================================================================== NEW FEATURES: * Add "Remove repeat items" features * Add EFFECT, EDATE, EOMONTH formula * Improve system performance UPDATE: POM and JAR from pre-version: * Please update: lib/poi-ooxml-3.8.jar * Please update pom.xml‍ org.apache.xmlbeans xmlbeans-xmlpublic 2.6.0 stax stax-api BUG FIXES: * 2025 - Column number A-Z and then start with BA * 2021 - Fixed last week condition * 2016 - Fixed search with formula * 2015 - Insert a new worksheet with hotkey shift + F11 ======================================================================== Release ======================================================================== NEW FEATURES: * Add network error warning and reconnect support. * Update hyperlink window by adding link to other cell in this document. * Add a list of keyboard shortcuts support. See detail @ http://www.enterprisesheet.com/api/docs/features/keyboard.html * Add the following new formula: GEOMEAN, HARMEAN, SLOPE, STEYX, AVEDEV, FISHER, FISHERINV, CORREL, RSQ, DEVSQ * Add big data loading progress bar BUG FIXES: * Fixed negative number format with comma format issue ======================================================================== Release ======================================================================== NEW FEATURES: * Add the following new formula: NETWORKDAYS, WORKDAY, HEX2DEC, HEX2BIN, HEX2OCT, DEC2BIN, DEC2OCT, DEC2HEX, ERFC, GESTEP, OCT2BIN, OCT2DEC, OCT2HEX * Add Other rule for iconSet condition BUG FIXES: * Fixed formula calculate error with & and ^ * Fixed hyperlink to another cell issue with chinese character * Fixed chart issue during tab copy * Fixed round issue for decrease decimal ======================================================================== Release ======================================================================== NEW FEATURES: * Add sparkline line chart to the system * Add the following new formula: MROUND, FACTDOUBLE, COMBINA, CSC, CSCH, SEC, SECH, BESSELI, BESSELJ, BESSELK, BESSELY * Add iconset condition * Add hyperlink cell link to another cell BUG FIXES: * Fixed import formula Bit* issue * Fixed couple of import / export issues * Fixed roundup formula calculate issue ======================================================================== Release ======================================================================== NEW FEATURES: * Add more APIs to the system. * Add a list of sample codes for the APIs Sheet, Row/Clomn, Cell, Condition, Validation, Chart etc * Add cell onBlur callback client defined function * Add widget to the system BUG FIXES: * Add condition, table template, group import functions * Fixed sparkline column chart render issue ======================================================================== Release ======================================================================== NEW FEATURES: * Add a list of APIs to the system: createSheetApp, createSheetWin, loadData, updateCells, getCell, getJsonData, addCalculates, addCalculateExceptions, getSheetTabData, updateSheetTab, deleteSheetTab, copySheetTab etc BUG FIXES: * Fixed export for template table, condition ======================================================================== Release ======================================================================== NEW FEATURES: * Add chinese language support * Add 25 im* engineering type formulas. BUG FIXES: * Fixed align middle issue * Make Tab name work with chinese character. ======================================================================== Release ======================================================================== NEW FEATURES: * Add UI API loadData with running example. Please visit for example: www.enterpriseSheet.com/sheet/sheetapi * Add user setting table * Add Save As function * Add color to the sheet tab BUG FIXES: * Fix search error * IE11 double click and edit cell not work * IE8 issue for the sheet * Fix name range include DOT issue * Import RMB money exception ======================================================================== Release ======================================================================== NEW FEATURES: * Redesign UI looking and feeling with clean menu bar, title bar and tool bar. * Add the following type of conditional management - Condition for highlighting cell - Calculate for highlighting cell - Colorful bar - Color gradation * Add Excel-like 60 table templates includes: - Light color - Dark color - Deep dark color * Add Excel-like cell styles * Add following validation to the system - Number - Text - Date - Item list * Add Excel-like borders and gridlines * Add Dropdown list(ComboBox), Checkbox, Radio component to the Sheet * Add mini chart - Column chart - Gain / Lose chart * Add 10 more formulas, total up to 160 function supported * Add custom number format * Add more than 50 currency support CHANGES: * Add more theme and standard colors for the font color and background color. * Update different kind of chart includes: - Column - Area - Pie - Line - Bar - Scatter - Radar chart KNOWN ISSUES: ======================================================================== Release ======================================================================== NEW FEATURES and BUG FIXES: * 1767 - Hyperlink export issue * 1795 - Money (RMB) type is not correct set after export * 1798 - ISIF (isi) formulas decimal format convert to science after export * 1794 - ISIF (isi) comma format lose type after export * 1608 - IE cursor position in Find and Replace window * 1990 - Add thick Border to the system * 1988 - Export format brush with data type lose * 1792 - the date is not proper set after export in default file ======================================================================== Release ======================================================================== NEW FEATURES and BUG FIXES: * 1795 - Formulas floor / ceiling issues * 1553 - Decimal changed after HTML export * 1472 - Wrap text import and export * 1672 - Currency format after reset to none * 1793 - Drag and drop number and export not proper work * 1621 - Currency with underline import format lose * 1798 - ISIF formulas (ISI) convert to decimal is not proper after export ======================================================================== Release ======================================================================== NEW FEATURES and BUG FIXES: * 1629 - PDF / HTML export number and comma issue * 1550 - Formula Export issue * 1584 - AND Formula compare error * 921 - IF formula calculation error function * 1675 - remove formula format issue * 1674 - border format issue * 1620 - Filter order issue * 1614 - Condition format issue * 1410 - Cut / Paste with big cells issue * 1444 - undo charts not working properly ======================================================================== Release ======================================================================== NEW FEATURES and BUG FIXES: * 144 - Unable to navigate to next cell after doing a Selection and Ctrl+C * 143 - Copy and Paste - content with " " * 142 - Copy And Paste - Transpose Paste * 141 - Cut And Paste - On Same Sheet & On Different Sheets * 140 - Copy & Paste that include the very first cells (top cells) formatted * 139 - Consistency required in logo across all 'Cancel' button in application * 138 - Space miss in the chart image * 135 - Sort Alphabetic Ascending and Descending * 134 - Drag Cell with Formula - The grid becomes non responsive * 133 - Issues with Copy and Paste from xls file. * 132 - Autofill, Drag For Date Fields - All Formats * 131 - Autofill big value of number is not show correct * 130 - Performance issue * 127 - Merge cells with border - include first row/column * 32 - Copy from MS Excel with return key