Managing Sheet with APIs

Cell Properties Definition

In the method SheetAPI.loadData and SheetAPI.updateCells, it allows user define different kinds of cell properties to decorate the cell: .

	SHEET_API.updateCells(SHEET_API_HD, [{
			sheet: 1,
			row: 1,
			col: 1,
			json: {
			       data: "hello world",  
			       bgc: 'black', 
			       color: 'white', 
			       fw: "bold", 
			       fs: "italic", 
			       u: "underline"

Cell Properties

The following table shows the detail cell properties.

NameProperty ExampleDescription
sheet idsheet sheet: 1 Set defined sheet id for the cell. If it is ignore, the default value is currently active tab id.
row numberrow row: 1 Set defined row number for the cell. Such as: A1 row number is 1. B2 row number is 2.
column numbercol col: 1 Set defined column number for the cell. Such as: A1 column number is 1. B2 column number is 2.
json propertiesjson json: {data: 100} See the following for the detail json properties.

Cell Json Properties

The following table shows the detail json properties which allow you to create your style cell.

NameProperty ExampleDescription
background colorbgc bgc: 'orange'
bgc: '#FF0000'
Set cell background color. The color needs to be inside '', such as: 'red', '#FF0000'. The 17 colors from the HTML specification are accepted: aqua, black, blue, fuchsia, gray, green, lime, maroon, navy, olive, orange, purple, red, silver, teal, white, and yellow. And any hex color value are also accepted.
border-width left
border-width right
border-width top
border-width bottom
Set left right top and bottom border-width for the cell. Default value for border-width left is 0. border-width right is 1. border-width top is 0. border-width bottom is 1.
border-style left
border-style right
border-style top
border-style bottom
bls: 'dotted',
brs: 'dotted',
bts: 'dotted',
bbs: 'dotted'
Set left right top and bottom border-style for the cell. border-style value can be one of them: dotted|dashed|solid. Default value is none.
border-color left
border-color right
border-color top
border-color bottom
blc: 'red',
brc: '#F79646',
btc: '#F79646',
bbc: '#F79646'
Set left right top and bottom border-color for the cell. border-color value can be one of them: 'red' or hex value '#F79646'. Default value is none.
border-type left
border-type right
border-type top
border-type bottom
blt: 'double',
brt: 'double',
btt: 'double',
bbt: 'double'
Set left right top and bottom border-type for the cell. border-double value can be one of them: double|solid. Default value is none.
commentcomment comment: 'Great work' Set comment for the cell data.
commentEditcommentEdit comment: "Great work", commentEdit: "hide" Hide the edit/delete buttons in the comment field. Default value for commentEdit is show.
comma formatfm data: "12223.45678", fm: "comma" Set comma format for the cell data. Result will be: 12,223.45678 for the example.
cell Datadata data: 'Hello world'
data: 100
Set cell Data. It is the data to be shown in the cell.
Checkboxit, itn and itchk it: "checkbox", itn: "fruit", itchk: false Set checkbox for cells. "it" need to be defined as "checkbox". "itn" is used to define a group of checkbox. "itchk" is used to decide whether it is checked or not.
column widthwidth width: 20, bgc: "#FBD5B5" Set width for the column.
custom formatfm data: "-12323.45678", fm: "number", dfm: "$#,##0.00;[Red]-$#,##0.00;[Red]ZERO" Set custom format for the number of cell data. fm is "number". dfm is "$#,##0.00;[Red]-$#,##0.00;[Red]ZERO". For more detail, please see Customer Format.
date formatfm and dfm data: "2015-01-27", fm: "date", dfm: "M d, Y" Set date format for the cell data. fm is "date". You also need set detail format "dfm". It is used to define different kind of date type. For example: dfm: "Y-m-d H:i:s" will display as 2015-01-27 12:12:12

Here lists the symbol for the date format.
  • Year: Y -> 2015
  • Month: m -> 01
  • Month: F -> Jan
  • Month: M -> January
  • Day: d -> 30
  • Hour: H -> 20
  • Hour: g -> 10
  • Minute: i -> 59
  • Second: s -> 59
  • Weekday: l -> Tuesday
  • AM/PM: A -> AM/PM
disable celldsd dsd: 'ed' Set disable for the cell.
DropDown Listdrop data: "5", drop: Ext.encode({data: "2,5,10,20,50"}) Set dropdown for cells.
font colorcolor color: 'orange'
color: '#FF0000'
Set cell data font color. The colors need to be inside '', such as: 'red', '#FF0000'. The 17 colors from the HTML specification are accepted: aqua, black, blue, fuchsia, gray, green, lime, maroon, navy, olive, orange, purple, red, silver, teal, white, and yellow. And any hex color value are also accepted.
font-familyff ff: 'Courier New' Set font-family for the font of the cell data. The value needs to be inside ''. The name of a font-family, like "times", "courier", "arial", etc.
font-sizefz fz: 12 Set font-size for the font of the cell data. Default font-size value is 10. Only accept number.
font-stylefs fs: 'italic' Set font-style for the font of the cell data. font-style value can be one of them: normal|italic|oblique|initial|inherit. And default value is normal.
font-weightfw fw: 'bold'
fw: '900'
Set font-weight for the font of the cell data. Default font-weight value is normal. font-weight value can be one of them: normal|bold|bolder|lighter|number. Number is 100, 200, 300, 400, 500, 600, 700, 800, 900 which defines from thin to thick characters. 400 is the same as normal, and 700 is the same as bold.
formulacal cal: true
data: '=if(c2>100, ">100","<=100")'
If the cell value is formula. cal: true need to be added in the cell json to identify it, and data need to be started with "=".
fraction formatfm data: "12.6", fm: "number", dfm: "# ?/?" Set fraction format for the number of cell data. Fraction is defined in the dfm and fm is number.
insert imageicp icp:"" Add an inner image inside the cell.
Linklink link: '' Set hyperlink for the cell data.
money formatfm data: "123.45678", fm: "money|$|2|negative1" Set money format for the number of cell data. fm is "money|$|2|none".
1st character is format, should be "money".
2nd character is currency symbol, such as: $, RMB etc
3rd character is 2 decimals to be round.
4th character is one of the option: none, negative1, negative2, negative3. And this is for decorate negative number only.
overlineo o: 'overline' Set overline for the cell data.
padding left
padding right
padding top
padding bottom
Set padding left right top and bottom for the cell data. Default 2 are set for all padding.
Percent formatfm data: "0.12345", fm: "percent", dfm: "0.00%" Set percent format for the number of cell data. Percent format is defined in the dfm and fm is "percent".
radioit, itn and itchk it: "radio", itn: "sports", itchk: false Set radio for cells. "it" need to be defined as "radio". "itn" is used to define a group of radio button. "itchk" is used to decide whether it is checked or not.
row heightheight height: 10, bgc: "#FBD5B5" Set height for the row.
science formatfm data: "123.6", fm: "science" Set science format for the number of cell data. fm is "science".
strikes s: 'line-through' Set strike for the cell data.
table templatetpl tpl: '{id: "tpl_27", span: [1,2,2,5,4]}' Set table templates for cells. In the tpl json, it includes id and span.

id can be selected from tpl_0 to tpl_59 with different color and style for the table. For light color, id is from tpl_0 to tpl_20. For dark color, id is from tpl_21 to tpl_48. For deep dark color, id is from tpl_49 to tpl_59.

span includes 5 parameters. Sheet_id, x1, y1, x2, y2.
text-alignta ta: 'left' Set text-align for the cell data. The text-align property specifies the horizontal alignment of text in a cell. Default text-align value is left. text-align value can be one of them: left|right|center|justify.
text-indentti ti: '10px' Set text-indent for the cell data. The text-indent property specifies the indentation of the first line in a cell. Default text-indent value is 0. text-indent value need be inside '', for example: '10px'.
underlineu u: 'underline' Set underline for the cell data.
vairablevname vname: 'definedVariable' Bind variable for the cell data.
vnameEditvnameEdit vname: 'definedVariable', vnameEdit: "hide" Hide the popup window of variable when mouse focus. Default value for vnameEdit is show.
vertical-alignva va: 'bottom' Set vertical-align for the cell data. The vertical-align property specifies the vertical alignment in a cell. Default vertical-align value is baseline. vertical-align value can be one of them: baseline|top|middle|bottom.
ww and ws ww: 'break-word',
ws: 'normal'
Set word-wrap for the cell data. Default word-wrap value is normal. word-wrap value can be one of them: normal|break-word.
Set white-space for the cell data. Default white-space value is normal. white-space value can be one of them: normal|nowrap|pre|pre-line|pre-wrap.



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